
+ Aortarota

The Hug and Pint, Glasgow, GB

Entry Requirements: 18+
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aortarota presents a unique, one-off audiovisual performance, mesmerising in its grotesquery, as jarring as it is immersive. Pieces old and new are performed in a bold and unconventional fashion, balanced on the boundary between harmony and atonality. This is more than a recitation of songs: this is a holistic, irreducibly physical experience.

The truth of thing is slowly and excruciatingly unveiled, in a slow-burning striptease of barely suppressed anger. Just as the monster peels back its skin, layer by layer, to reveal the defective heart beneath, so does the cacophonous electronic noise gradually subside: decaying to a standstill until all that remains is a single percussive pulse, beating out from a dirty cabaret tent on the edge of the known.

Take a breath. Hold it. Steel yourself. This is a punch in the gut.