+ Dinosaur 94 + Milange
Line Up
Label - Memphis Industries -
Publishing - Rough Trade Music
Band -
Bookings -
Press -
Radio -
Dinosaur 94 By Tom Johnson:
You think you’ve heard the name before? >it’s ingrained in your nightmares, boy you’re a prisoner of war moshing in a thunderstorm, [licks raunchier than hardcore porn] and screaming till the lungs are sore, till Jesus Christ your saviour’s born * by DINOSAUR 94 - - Hearts made weak {religious, freak} by Ace and Beansy topless/warm while Lizzie on the bass looks on and Josh is a fucking phenomenom - - =“Oo la la c’est dino quatre-vingt quatorze”= DINOSAUR 94. : They’re your favourite troubadours, they’ll make you piss your pants, be warned you’ll dance like there’s no god-damned cure, no tomorrow, just this show, and cokehead joan she’ll blow your bones to go go go, to dance like there’s no god-damned cure for DINOSAUR 94 ~ encores ~ D I N O S A U R 9 4 (the tetra-dactyl screams for more) for DINOSAUR 94 // DINOSAUR 94 -